Everyone loves to go a NBA game. There is nothing better than seeing the action live. Those of us that are fortunate enough to go appreciate the experience and the ambiance. The funny thing is that everyone that goes acts like they are only there to enjoy the game. That is such a lie, women go to be noticed and men go to look at women who are trying to be noticed. The fact is, going to an NBA game actually has nothing to do with what's going on on the court. It has everything to do with what's going on around you. From who is sitting court side to how good the cheerleaders are looking to who at the game is sleeping with what player. Going to the game is no different than the rest of life, it's all about POLITICS. So don't be ashamed David, so what you got caught looking at least you were obvious with your intentions. The ones that are not so obvious are the ones that tend to be the slickest and most conniving.