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Telomeres - news and photos


Progressive telomere shortening characterizes familial breast cancer patients
Telomeres, the complex structures that protect the end of chromosomes, of peripheral blood cells are significantly shorter in patients with familial breast cancer than in the general population. Results of the study carried out by the Human Genetics ... read more

Poor wage and diet 'may accelerate ageing process'
They compared the length of telomeres - the tails on the ends of chromosomes that shorten as a person ages - over a ten-year period. Analysis revealed that telomeres typically shortened by 7.7 per cent in people with a household income below £25000, ... read more

Controversy Surrounds New Telomere-Measuring Blood Test
A new blood test developed in Spain, which measures chromosome tips known as telomeres, is now available to the public. Researchers who developed the test say it offers people the opportunity to find out how fast they are aging and clues on their ... read more


Telomere shortening
Telomeres are crucial to the
Telomeres are made of
telomeres appear as bright
Serial evaluation of telomere
had compared telomeres to

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