Latest County Nassau Evacuation Information(AP Photo/Charles Dharapak) Nassau County officials are asking for a voluntary evacuation of five communities on the barrier island of Long Beach, before Hurricane Irene is expected to arrive this weekend. Nassau County Executive Ed Mangano urged ... read more
To Judgeship in Caribbean From Referee in Nassau (County)
For roughly the past 13 years, he has been a special referee in State Supreme Court in Nassau County. Now, Mr. Gibson, 57, is capping his legal career by going home. He was recently named the chief judge of Barbados, a position he will assume on Sept. ... read more
West Nile Found on Long Island
Mosquito traps are placed in many locations throughout Nassau and Suffolk Counties, regardless of jurisdiction by county, state, or town, said Grace Kelly-McGovern, a Health Department spokeswoman. They are put out at night and collected the following ... read more